Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Poker´s Body Language

First we´ll try to make an introduction on poker´s vocabulary.
Hand: One round of play or the player's cards
Tell: A conscious or unconscious signal, for instance, a gesture or the way someone looks, that reveals some information about the opponent's hand.
The uncounscious tells: An unconscious tell is the one that somebody makes when he feels unobserved, or does not know he is doing it. An example is covering the mouth with his hand, particularly if done frequently. This can be an indication that he does not have a strong hand.
The  deliberate tell: Is where somebody intentionally tries to convey something. He may tell you a story, so to speak, and you must figure out whether what he is saying is true or not.

In this blog we are interesting on hands(literary) so, what does a hand in front of the mouth means?
The experts say:  If someone has concealed his mouth with his hand, he often holds a weak hand - he wants to hide his emotions. In a sense, he does not want his expression to betray his hand.
Ok, now you can watch the video, and if you want to know more about Poker´s body language this is our source


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